Courthouse Main Directory: (740) 695-2121

Probation Department: (740) 695-3917


Court Information

Employees of the Common Pleas Court are prohibited from providing you legal advice of any kind.The Common Pleas Court has also provided links and information relevant to outside agencies and organizations which you may find helpful. However, the Common Pleas Court cannot attest to the accuracy of the information provided and any views and opinions contained therein are solely those of the agency or organization providing the information.

PROPER ATTIRE is always required when entering a court of law. No revealing clothing, clothing containing obscene language or offensive markings shall be tolerated. No ball caps or hats of any kind shall be permitted.

CELL PHONE usage is not permitted in the court room. MUST have them turned off prior to entering the court room, or leave them at home or in your vehicle.

NO FOOD or drink is permitted in the court room.

CHILDREN:  Infants, babies, toddlers and those without true listening skills are better left at home with a sitter, as proceedings are being recorded by a stenographer as well as by audio and they must remain quiet while court is in session.

The information provided within this website is designed to assist you. It is not intended to be nor should it be interpreted as legal advice.